Adams Morey Southampton provides Hampshire based transport, distribution and warehouse specialists, Lambert Brothers (part of Kinaxia Logistics) with new racking and an Imprest stock system to increase efficiencies of their parts department and reduce waste and downtime for over 90 trucks and trailers.
Adam Richmond, Parts Sales Manager at Adams Morey explains the transformation: “We have a dedicated system which enables our customers to have all of their parts sourcing, purchasing and auditing completed by Adams Morey. As a DAF and TRP dealer, we’re able to supply genuine and all-makes truck and trailer parts from all manufacturers regardless of marque. Our Parts Sales Representatives for the region provide regular auditing of Lambert Brothers Imprest stock to ensure maximum efficiency and uptime.”
Richard Skudder, Workshop manager at Lambert Brothers comments: “We appreciate the difference the Imprest Stock system has made to our maintenance team. The parts storage system is efficiently structured and we replace parts as soon as they are used thanks to Adams Moreys parts delivery vans. It has streamlined our operation, making it more efficient and reducing downtime by having one supplier and receiving one invoice. The commitment we receive from the team at Adams Morey is very important to us.”