At Adams Morey, we continue to believe that we are one of the best companies to work for in the motor industry in Great Britain today.
We value our employees and are committed to providing competitive salaries and benefits, along with a genuine work-life balance. Overall, our score as an employer is 4.1 out of 5, with a wellbeing score of 68 out of 100 (March 2024).
Adams Morey Limited is required to report their gender pay gaps, due to employing more than 250 employees.
The gender pay gap is the difference in the average earnings of male and female employees regardless of their role or seniority, and is calculated as the difference between average hourly earnings (excluding overtime) of men and women as a proportion of average hourly earnings (excluding overtime) of men’s earnings. For example, a 4.0% gender pay gap denotes that women earn 4.0% less per hour, on average, than men. Conversely, a negative 4.0% gender pay gap denotes that women earn 4.0% more, on average, then men.
The gender pay gap does not measure, and should not be confused with, equal pay which is the right for men and women to be paid the same when doing the same, or equivalent, work. Adams Morey is committed to the principle of equality.
All data included within this report is based on a snapshot date of 5 April 2023. The calculations are intended to assist Greenhous in complying with the Gender Pay Gap Regulations 2017.
The gender pay gap reporting rules require that employees and workers who do not receive their normal pay for the reporting month be excluded from the calculations. Exclusions were made due to maternity leave, not receiving any pay due to not working that month (e.g. casual workers who did not work); unpaid absence and receiving SSP only payments due to sickness absence.
The mean gender pay gap:
Adams Morey
(combined) |
Adams Morey
(excl. Wessex) |
Adams Morey
(Wessex only) |
22.2% | 23.8% | 19.8% |
2023 figures for Adams Morey Ltd are similar to 2022.
The median gender pay gap:
Adams Morey
(combined) |
Adams Morey
(excl. Wessex) |
Adams Morey
(Wessex only) |
26.5% | 26.5% | 34.6% |
The mean bonus gender pay gap:
Adams Morey
(combined) |
Adams Morey
(excl. Wessex) |
Adams Morey
(Wessex only) |
60.4% | 63.7% | 100% |
The median bonus gender pay gap:
Adams Morey
(combined) |
Adams Morey
(excl. Wessex) |
Adams Morey
(Wessex only) |
57.7% | 34% | 100% |
The proportion of males and females receiving a bonus payment:
Adams Morey
(combined) |
Adams Morey
(excl. Wessex) |
Adams Morey
(Wessex only) |
Males: 13.1% Females: 11.1%
Males: 15% Females: 13.6%
Males: 8.3% Females: 0%
The bonus gender pay gap is calculated for the period April 2022 to March 2023, and is made up of both bonus payments and commission earned. Due to the nature of our industry, the roles that attract bonus and commission payments continue to be male dominated.
The proportion of males and females in each quartile band:
Adams Morey
(combined) |
Bands | Total no. employees in band | Females | Males |
Upper | 107 | 3.7% | 96.3% | |
Upper Middle | 108 | 4.6% | 95.4% | |
Lower Middle | 107 | 27.1% | 72.9% | |
Lower | 107 | 25.2% | 74.8% | |
Adams Morey
(excl. Wessex) |
Bands | Total no. employees in band | Females | Males |
Upper | 77 | 2.6% | 97.4% | |
Upper Middle | 77 | 5.2% | 94.8% | |
Lower Middle | 77 | 32.5% | 67.5% | |
Lower | 76 | 27.6% | 72.4% |
Adams Morey
(Wessex only) |
Bands | Total no. employees in band | Females | Males |
Upper | 30 | 3.3% | 96.7% | |
Upper Middle | 31 | 3.2% | 96.8% | |
Lower Middle | 31 | 6.5% | 93.5% | |
Lower | 30 | 30% | 70% |
- Overall, as is typical of the motor industry, there continues to be a large gender imbalance. As at April 2023, ignoring exclusions, the overall female workforce stood at 25.2% (compared to 30.8% in 2022).
- Adams Moey Ltd nevertheless continues to work to attract females to the industry. As has been observed in previous years, this is a long-term project. We continue to strive to attract females to apprenticeships, especially in the higher paid technical areas, but interest remains low.
- As is typical for this industry, the majority of senior roles are currently held by males.
Closing the gap
We will continue to make every effort to continue to reduce our gender pay gap.
Adams Morey Ltd is an equal opportunities employer, committed to gender diversity and pay parity. We are committed to increasing the number of females in our workforce and continue to seek to increase the number of females at all levels within the company, with a workplace culture and environment that will attract and retain females to Adams Morey Ltd.
To this end, we are also committed to improving our gender pay gap figures through a number of initiatives, which continue from previous years:
- Recruitment and Retention: the motor trade remains a traditionally male dominated industry and there are not a lot of qualified females, especially in technical roles, to recruit into the company. Our aim therefore is to continue to recruit females at an apprenticeship level, especially for technical roles, so that they can be trained to become qualified. In the short to medium term we expect that, realistically, this will widen our gender pay gap as female apprentices will be paid much less than male employees who are qualified and experienced, but in the long term this imbalance will adjust and the gender pay gap will be reduced in the long term.
In order to reach as wide an audience as possible we advertise our vacancies across a wide range of platforms including our web site, social media, job centres, local newspapers and recruitment agencies. We also advertise all vacancies internally, to promote skills and career development within.
At Adams Morey, Recruitment Best Practice & Interview Skill training was rolled out early 2023, along with Manager talks about conscious and unconscious bias, and the gender pay gap.
- Flexible Working: Greenhous offers all employees the right to request to work flexibly.
- Relationships with schools and colleges: we continue to work with schools and colleges, attending careers days and similar, in an effort to diversify our workforce in the future. We have had a little success recruiting newly qualified females into technical roles as a result of our work in this area.
Adams Morey Ltd continues to hold a realistic view that, in themselves, none of the above initiatives will remove the gender pay gap and that schools and the government also have a responsibility to promote traditionally male dominated industries to female students as a viable career option. Even with this, it will take time for new females entering the industry to work up the career ladder and earn higher salaries as a result.
Nevertheless, we are committed to make improvements and will continue to report on the work we are doing to close the gap, on an annual basis.
I, Will Paynton, Group Finance Director, Truck Operations confirm that the information in this statement is accurate.
Will Paynton
25 March 2024